Wednesday, 18 April 2007

No Stoppin

Aint been able to stop playin since last post. Asbolutely wankered ryt now and having trouble typing. Been up for nearly 48 hours now and still downin Cider. Dont know why but I started playin cash on BluSq. Got my stack up to $54.17. The DrunkenMonk staggers on! Dont actually know if I'm up atm but I thnk I must be. Crazy drunken poker pays off when you're in the zone. Didn't get tilted and played like a King the whole time.
Put It In Cyder!!!


Amatay said...

ahahahhaha. I usually play ultra aggressive when im pissed up. Nice blog btw m8. I've got you linked up ;-)

DrunkenMonk said...

Nice one mate. I've been readin your blog for ages. Top quality too. Linkin it up right now.

Amatay said...

youv'e been reading my blog for ages? Really? Since when? lol

Anonymous said...

Hey Monk, wondering if you wanted to swap links with me also. just drop by and post a comment if you do put up a link and ill do the same.