Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Hard Labour

Learning this one the hard way at the moment. Just finishished my normal shift at work but where I would normally be playing poker and getting drunk I am stone cold sober with not a card in sight. Havent drank or played poker for 4 days and nights now. This is a 6 month record for me. The last time I stopped playing poker this long was when I went on a solid 14 day bender! Maybe this cloud does have a silver lining coz I'm actually starting to miss the poker more than the Cyder. Still have to do another solid 30 hours at work this week to make up for last weeks drunken recklessness. Wont be forgetting this one in a hurry!

Hopefully I can come back to the game with a clear and refreshed state of mind. And possibly a slightly higher IQ through lack of Cyder. Really looking forward to going up London sides in April for a few good lives games and a chance to catch up with old friends. Shame SW trains have put their fairs up 30%. Need to get a car now. Greenpeace can suck my peace! Instead of complaining about the extra plane flights to London why dont they campaign againt the train fare hikes? It actually works out cheaper to go by plane now and that is rediculus! How much pollution comes from 750 people all driving to London seperatelly anyway? Nothing against Greenpeace but they need to look at the bigger picture.

Anyway lives games. Cant wait! I love the fact you can all be sitting down with £100 at risk and just stare each other in the face. I hope I'll find myself in the position where I have to ask the question: "How much is it to put you allin? How many chips do you have left?" I know it gonna it happen. :-)


Anonymous said...

i'm mike kimpton

Anonymous said...

Drunken Monk it seems all I have to do is buy you some cheap cider, get you waisted and then take all your cash. I will be arriving in the UK approx' 15th April. Can't wait for live game.........easy money!!!!

DrunkenMonk said...

If that 1st comment is from a mate in London hoping to see me last Friday, sorry bout that. Yeah you're right I could have bought a car but it would have been a rusted out old banger for £200. And anyway I only see this as a minor setback in my poker career. Its just made me more determined not too donk off all my cash to tossers I know I can beat.

Hi Mike.

Buy me all the cheap cider in the world mate I'm still gonna rince you're stack in London! Especially when I spike you're Guiness with valium. :-) Lookin forward to seein mate.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.