Sunday, 11 March 2007


No poker to be played for a bit. Mainly due to the fact that I'm totally broke. (Only myself to blame for that one). I've decided to start taking poker more seriously now and I may actually even knock the drinking on the head for a bit. (Never thought I'd say that! It wont last.)
Been reading some really good blogs recently. Mostly steming from a debate on hammerplayers blog about tournament vs cash game skill. Theres a lot to read but its very interesting and worth a look. I have taken some good strategy tips from blogs in the past which have helped me. I think this and some forums could be a route I need to follow to become a better student of poker.
Gotta wait for that paycheque before I can put anything into action, but I'm still not going to give up on the cash tables. I know I can beat the game as long as I cash out in time (when I'm drinking). Even when sober tho, I'd like to know when is the right time to cash out? When I've doubled, trebbled, or just passout. This is something I'm gonna have to work out if I'm really gonna make anything out of this.
btw, Hats off to the Harlem Maniac. You know who you are. Nice double up mate!!!

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